Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Adios Colombia

Adios Colombia

I still haven’t seen dancing in the streets as I had hoped, or gone Salsa dancing but my Colombian leg has come to an end. Those two things would have been the icing on the cake but I have loved spending time in this fascinating country. 
Each of the cities I have visited has had its own unique recent history and the fact that all that has been put behind them and the country is moving ahead, making a name for itself in a positive way is testament to the resilience of the people. 
I would have loved to have had longer to explore further and have an opportunity to get closer to the people. 
The Getsemani neighbourhood in Cartagena has given me that closest glimpse. Street after street of hostels, of varying degrees of cuteness, right next to residences, all alike with locked steel security doors which no doubt once upon a time were there for much needed security. Now they provide another form of security as with the security doors closed and interior doors and windows open they have some form of ventilation. 
Looking through the grid doors you can see how people here live. Some in a very grand way and right next door could be a home that is barely furnished. The residents spend their evenings people watching either whist sitting outside or behind the grid doors. Most have huge TV’s, many have tiny dogs but irrespective of how much or how little the have each and every one greets me as I pass. One thing they all seem to have in common is loud. Whether it is coming from the TV or the radio it is turned up full even if they are not listening. Even the dogs are exceptionally loud. 
My last morning was spent lolling before my cab took me to the airport in yet another of the tiny yellow cabs; little hatches like swifts, getz etc which make so much sense in cities choked up with traffic. I wonder why more places don’t adopt smaller cabs for those short trips or fewer passengers. I guess they help keep taxi charges down. Both trips with the old city have been less than $3 and my 15-20 minute trip to the airport about $8.

Lasting impressions
Without a doubt the people, their smiles, resilience and love of life. 
I would have loved more time to see the rest of the Cartagena which looks super swish, but for now I am content to have been able to visit this glorious country.  
Best experience was at the coffee farm, where the coffee experience aside, was the tonic I needed; the tranquility, the green, the homely atmosphere and the people were amazing. 
Favourite city was Cartagena; some great food, history, chocolate classes, colour, vibrancy, living next to the locals and the divine people. 
Highest cuteness factor was Salento but Cartagena very close behind. 
For history it has to be Medellin; to see haw far they have come in such a short time was sobering. 
So adios Colombia, I have loved visiting and wish you well. 
Here I sit waiting fir my flight to Quito, which firstly goes to Panama City where I ‘rest’ for 6hours before flying down to Quito. All up about an 8 hour trip to go a few hundred kms, but another country on my ‘airside only’ list. 
Till the next post from Ecuador.  


  1. I have added Columbia on my bucketlist thanks to you and your colourful writting!

  2. So worth it. And would recommend the trip I did too.


and the EPILOGUE..............

Having been home a week I’ve now had time to reflect on my trip and to go through all my photos which have reminded me of the things that ha...